Friday, March 18, 2011

It's Easy Being Green

Planet, green, environment

Yesterday everyone was decked out in green for Saint Patrick’s day, but we don’t have to only be green one day a year. Many people are turning to ‘green’ solutions to help our environment.

It’s amazing to me how much waste can come from owning a home. In my house, if we kept all the cardboard and plastic that we go through in a year, we could probably fill up one of our bedrooms and all the chemicals we use for washing dishes, clothes and the floors would certainly fill up a small pool.

But what can we do about it?

Friday, March 4, 2011

Wandering Blind

Grab a friend and get a blindfold. Now, go find yourself a large empty field. Blindfold your friend and have them walk in a straight line to the far side of the field. What you’ll find is that they will start to drift to one side or the other until they are literally walking in circles.