Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cutting Your Heating Bills This Winter

It's that time of year again.  The time where the days are getting short, the air is feeling crisp and a jacket is a must. 
If you’re like most of us, the winter increases in utility costs encourages you to see if you can cut back on costs a little. Remember, when it comes to minimizing your heating costs, efficiency is the name of the game. Here are some quick tips that can help you keep those costs under control.

Mortgage Brokers Can Save You Money

SSFI, Signature Service Financial, Medicine Hat Real Estate  Choosing the right mortgage can be overwhelming. Although going to your bank might be the logical move, you don’t know if this will net you the best mortgage plan for your budget, lifestyle and prospects. And searching by yourself can give you the feeling that there is just too much to know.

That’s why mortgage brokers seem to have become an increasingly popular channel for consumers to find the right mortgage for them. According to the Canadian Association of Accredited Mortgage Professionals Fall 2009 Canadian Mortgage Industry Snapshot, 23% oall mortgages in 2009 were handled by a mortgage broker, including 32% oall new mortgages.

Understanding What You Already Know

Reality TV has “The Worst Handy Man” and I suspect that other “Worst of” TV programs might be possible too! Experience shows that “DIY” (Do it Yourself) disasters happen because people underestimate the work done by others.

I have been studying Real Estate for a few years now and in addition to my training for legal contracts, building concepts, marketing methods, Government requirements and negotiating principals there are some important aspects of applied common sense gained from experience.

One primary challenge that presented itself to me, immediately after spending two (2) years in school to learn the basics of the Real Estate industry was that there are a lot of people who decide they can do it themselves because they think it is easy to do.

Other seemingly standard every day tasks, like driving a car and picking suitable clothing have also spawned “Reality TV” programs showing what NOT to do.

What about Real Estate? How difficult can it be?

No one individual listing is particularly challenging when considered on it’s own but putting everything together creates quite a challenge.